La Virtud

La Virtud

La Virtud is a municipality in the Honduran department of Lempira.

La Virtud,is one of the municipalities of the Lempira department. And it is also one the furthest from the big cities in Honduras but near to El Salvador border. It takes up to 4 hours to get there taking either way of Gracias or Santa Rosa de Copán. However, the best way is via Santa Rosa de Copan-San Marcos de Ocotepeque-Cololaca-Valladolid-La Virtud.


The very first settlers were spanish from El Salvador, seeking for fields for sowing the raw material for bluing. It is believed that its founder was a priest called Doroteo Alvarenga in 1775. It was granted a municipality back in 1859.


The municipality capital is located in a valley and causing to decrease its elevation to sea level and the vegetations corresponds to the dry subtropical forest and the weather is hot throughout the year. For the rest of the municipality, there are some mountains and hills but the vegetation and weather are the same.


Its boundaries are:
*North : Valladolid municipality.
*South : El Salvador.
*East : El Salvador.
*West : Gualcince and Mapulaca municipalities.

*Surface Extents: 83 km²


The main activity is commerce, especially with El Salvador, so the US dollar is used as currency as well. The 2nd economical activity is cattle and milk products.There are a few gathering points for coffee grains. Corn and Bean crops can not be absent. There is electrity in the municipality capital and hardware and groceries stores.


The majority of people is cross-breed of native indians and spanish settlers,and there's a small amount of indian descendants in the surrounding villages.

*Population: The figure was 6,133 people in 2001. Based on this, an estimate was elaborated for 2008, resulting in 6,244.
*Villages: 13
*Settlements: 48


It has the typical colonial spanish distribution in downtown. Perhaps the best feature is going swimming in one the rivers near by, one of those is "Lempa" river in the border with El Salvador. For more information about hobbies and entertainment in this municipality go to the next link: [ La Virtud]

*Local Holidays: "Virgen del Carmen" day in July and also "Virgen de Santa Barbara" day on December 4th..

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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