Comparison between U.S. states and countries by GDP (nominal)

Comparison between U.S. states and countries by GDP (nominal)

This is a comparison between US states and countries' nominal Gross Domestic Product. Many of the states of the United States have large Gross Domestic Product (called gross state product) which would rank highly on a list of countries world GDP. For instance, California would have the 7th highest GDP in the world if thought of as a country (not including the US as a whole, if so, it would be 8th). The lowest ranked US state, Vermont, would be 74th out of some 200 countries.

These figures are based on the International Monetary Fund list on List of countries by GDP (nominal) for world GDP, and the List of U.S. states by GDP (nominal) figures.


2009 data

The first list shows the World Bank's 2009 estimates, and the second list includes 2009-2010 estimates from the CIA World Factbook.

The most recent (2011) data from the International Monetary Fund is not used because there is no Gross State Product data available in that year for comparison.

2009 List by the World Bank[1] 2009 List by the CIA World Factbook[2]
Overall Rank Rank by country/
Rank by US State
Country or
U.S. State
(millions of USD)
  World 58,133,309
1 1  United States 14,119,000
2 2  Japan 5,068,996
3 3  People's Republic of China 4,985,461[2][3]
4 4  Germany 3,330,032
5 5  France 2,649,390[4]
6 6  United Kingdom 2,174,530
7 7  Italy 2,112,780
8  California 1,911,822
8 9  Brazil 1,573,409
9 10  Spain 1,460,250
10 11  Canada 1,336,068
11 12  India 1,310,171
12 13  Russia 1,231,893
14  Texas 1,158,194
15  New York 1,078,161
13 16  Australia 924,843
14 17  Mexico 874,902
15 18  South Korea 832,512
16 19  Netherlands 792,128
20  Florida 734,727
21  Illinois 627,952
17 22  Turkey 617,099
23  Pennsylvania 549,565
18 24  Indonesia 540,277
19 25  Switzerland 500,260
26  New Jersey 480,641
27  Ohio 472,344
20 28  Belgium 468,522
21 29  Poland 430,079
30  Virginia 406,798
22 31  Sweden 406,072
32  North Carolina 400,483
33  Georgia (U.S. state) 396,177
23 34  Austria 384,908
24 35  Norway 381,766
36  Michigan 374,234
25 37  Saudi Arabia 369,179
38  Massachusetts 366,406
39  Washington 339,465
26 40  Iran 331,015
27 41  Greece 329,924
28 42  Venezuela 326,498
29 43  Denmark 309,596
30 44  Argentina 308,741
31 45  South Africa 285,983
46  Maryland 284,956
47  Indiana 264,664
32 48  Thailand 263,856
49  Minnesota 262,697
33 50  United Arab Emirates 261,348
51  Arizona 255,963
52  Colorado 254,837
53  Tennessee 246,669
54  Wisconsin 246,195
55  Missouri 239,649
34 56  Finland 237,512
35 57  Colombia 230,844
36 58  Portugal 227,676
37 59  Ireland 227,193
60  Connecticut 226,093
61  Louisiana 206,525
38 62  Israel 194,790
39 63  Malaysia 191,601
40 64  Czech Republic 190,274
41 65  Egypt 188,334
42 66  Singapore 182,232
67  Oregon 176,365
68  Alabama 169,459
43 69  Nigeria 168,994
44 70  Pakistan 166,545
45 71  Chile 163,670
46 72  Romania 161,110
47 73  Philippines 160,476
74  South Carolina 158,487
75  Oklahoma 156,581
76  Kentucky 155,734
48 77  Kuwait 148,024
78  Iowa 144,265
49 79  Algeria 140,577
50 80  Hungary 128,964
51 81  Peru 126,734
82  Kansas 125,957
52 83  New Zealand 125,160
84  Nevada 123,632
53 85  Ukraine 113,545
86  Utah 112,278
54 87  Kazakhstan 109,115
88  Arkansas 102,219
89  District of Columbia 96,451
90  Mississippi 96,135
55 91  Vietnam 91,854
56 92  Morocco 90,859[9]
57 93  Bangladesh 89,378
58 94  Slovakia 87,642
95  Nebraska 86,854
96  New Mexico 75,214
59 97  Qatar 71,041
60 98  Angola 69,067
61 99  Iraq 65,837
100  Hawaii 65,445
62 101  Croatia 63,034
63 102  Libya 62,360
103  West Virginia 60,491
104  Delaware 60,385
64 105  Oman 60,299
106  New Hampshire 59,842
65 107  Ecuador 57,249
108  Idaho 55,306
66 109  Sudan 54,677
67 110  Luxembourg 52,449
68 111  Syria 52,177
112  Maine 51,016
69 113  Belarus 48,984
70 114  Slovenia 48,477
115  Rhode Island 47,450
71 116  Bulgaria 47,100
72 117  Dominican Republic 46,598
118  Alaska 45,778
73 119  Azerbaijan 43,019
74 120  Serbia 42,594
75 121  Sri Lanka 41,979
76 122  Tunisia 39,561
123  South Dakota 39,079
77 124  Lithuania 37,206
78 125  Guatemala 36,788
126  Wyoming 36,203
79 127  Uruguay 36,093
128  Montana 35,267
80 129  Lebanon 34,450
81 130  Uzbekistan 32,817
131  North Dakota 32,265
82 132  Kenya 30,200
83 133  Costa Rica 29,225
84 134  Ethiopia 28,537
85 135  Yemen 26,365
86 136  Latvia 26,195
137  Vermont 25,677
87 138  Cyprus 24,910[10]
88 139  Panama 24,711
89 140  Côte d'Ivoire 23,042
90 141  Jordan 22,788
91 142  El Salvador 22,174
92 143  Bahrain 21,903
93 144  Cameroon 21,837
94 145  Tanzania 21,623[11]
95 146  Trinidad and Tobago 21,097
96 147  Turkmenistan 19,947
97 148  Estonia 19,084
98 149  Bolivia 17,340
99 150  Bosnia and Herzegovina 17,122
100 151  Uganda 15,736
101 152  Ghana 15,619
102 153  Paraguay 15,015
103 154  Jamaica 14,681
104 155  Honduras 14,632
105 156  Senegal 13,059
106 157  Zambia 12,748
107 158  Nepal 12,531
108 159  Iceland 12,133
109 160  Albania 11,834
110 161  Botswana 11,630
111 162  Gabon 11,602
112 163  Democratic Republic of the Congo 10,779
113 164  Georgia 10,737[12]
114 165  Afghanistan 10,624
115 166  Equatorial Guinea 10,413
116 167  Cambodia 10,028
117 168  Mozambique 9,790
118 169  Namibia 9,419
119 170  Macedonia 9,221
120 171  Madagascar 9,052
121 172  Mali 8,996
122 173  Armenia 8,714
123 174  Republic of the Congo 8,695
124 175  Mauritius 8,599
125 176  Burkina Faso 8,141
126 177  Papua New Guinea 7,893
127 178  Malta 7,449
128 179  The Bahamas 7,234
129 180  Monaco 6,919
130 181  Haiti 6,693
131 182  Chad 6,680
132 183  Benin 6,656
133 184  Nicaragua 6,297
134 185  Laos 5,939
135 186  Moldova 5,405[13]
136 187  Niger 5,384
137 188  Kosovo 5,352
138 189  Rwanda 5,064
139 190  Liechtenstein 5,028
140 191  Tajikistan 4,978
141 192  Malawi 4,975
142 193  Kyrgyzstan 4,578
143 194  Mongolia 4,202
144 195  Guinea 4,103
145 196  Montenegro 4,086
146 197  Andorra 3,712
147 198  Barbados 3,682
148 199  Fiji 3,034
149 200  Suriname 3,033
150 201  Mauritania 3,031
151 202  Swaziland 2,936
152 203  Togo 2,855
 Faroe Islands 2,198
153 204  Central African Republic 2,006
154 205  Sierra Leone 1,942
155 206  San Marino 1,900
 Greenland 1,740
156 207  Eritrea 1,654
157 208  Lesotho 1,602
158 209  Cape Verde 1,549
159 210  Belize 1,359
160 211  Maldives 1,356
161 212  Burundi 1,325
162 213  Bhutan 1,277
163 214  Guyana 1,159
164 215  Antigua and Barbuda 1,132
165 216  Djibouti 1,049
166 217  Saint Lucia 946
167 218  Liberia 876
168 219  Guinea-Bissau 837
169 220  Seychelles 764
170 221  The Gambia 733
171 222  Solomon Islands 658
172 223  Vanuatu 653
173 224  Grenada 627
174 225  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 583
175 226  East Timor 558
176 227  Comoros 549
177 228  Saint Kitts and Nevis 545
178 229  Samoa 496
179 230  Dominica 378
180 231  Tonga 311
181 232  Federated States of Micronesia 257
182 233  São Tomé and Príncipe 193
183 234  Palau 191
184 235  Marshall Islands 153
185 236  Kiribati 130
Overall Rank Rank by country/
Rank by US State
Country or
U.S. State
(millions of USD)
  World 62,220,000
1 1  United States 14,620,000
2 2  People's Republic of China 5,879,100[2]
3 3  Japan 5,391,000
4 4  Germany 3,306,000
5 5  France 2,555,000
6 6  United Kingdom 2,259,000
7 7  Italy 2,037,000
8 8  Brazil 2,024,000
9  California 1,911,822
9 10  Canada 1,564,000
10 11  Russia 1,477,000
11 12  India 1,430,000
12 13  Spain 1,375,000
13 14  Australia 1,220,000
15  Texas 1,158,194
16  New York 1,078,161
14 17  Mexico 1,004,000
15 18  South Korea 986,300
16 19  Netherlands 770,300
20  Florida 734,727
17 21  Turkey 729,100
18 22  Indonesia 695,100
23  Illinois 627,952
24  Pennsylvania 549,565
19 25  Switzerland 522,400
26  New Jersey 480,641
27  Ohio 472,344
20 28  Belgium 461,300
21 29  Sweden 444,600
22 30  Poland 438,900
23 31  Saudi Arabia 434,400
24 32 Taiwan 427,000
25 33  Norway 413,500
34  Virginia 406,798
35  North Carolina 400,483
36  Georgia (U.S. state) 396,177
37  Michigan 374,234
38  Massachusetts 366,406
26 39  Austria 366,300
27 40  South Africa 354,400
28 41  Argentina 351,000
42  Washington 339,465
29 43  Iran 337,900
30 44  Thailand 312,600
31 45  Denmark 305,600
32 46  Greece 302,000
33 47  Venezuela 285,200
48  Maryland 284,956
34 49  Colombia 283,100
50  Indiana 264,664
51  Minnesota 262,697
52  Arizona 255,963
53  Colorado 254,837
54  Tennessee 246,669
55  Wisconsin 246,195
35  United Arab Emirates 239,700
 Missouri 239,649
36  Finland 232,000
37  Portugal 223,700
 Hong Kong 226,500
 Connecticut 226,093
38  Malaysia 219,000
39  Singapore 217,400
40  Egypt 216,800
41  Nigeria 206,700
 Louisiana 206,525
42  Ireland 204,100
43  Israel 201,300
44  Chile 199,200
45  Czech Republic 195,200
46  Philippines 189,100
 Oregon 176,365
47  Pakistan 174,800
 Alabama 169,459
48  Algeria 159,000
 South Carolina 158,487
49  Romania 158,400
 Oklahoma 156,581
 Kentucky 155,734
50  Peru 153,500
 Iowa 144,265
51  New Zealand 138,000
52  Ukraine 136,600
53  Hungary 132,300
54  Kazakhstan 129,800
55  Qatar 126,500
 Kansas 125,957
 Nevada 123,632
56  Kuwait 117,300
 Utah 112,278
57  Bangladesh 105,400
 Arkansas 102,219
58  Vietnam 102,000
 District of Columbia 96,451
 Mississippi 96,135
59  Morocco 91,700
 Nebraska 86,854
60  Slovakia 86,260
61  Angola 85,810
62  Iraq 84,140
63  Libya 77,910
 New Mexico 75,214
64  Sudan 65,930
 Hawaii 65,445
65  Ecuador 61,490
 West Virginia 60,491
 Delaware 60,385
66  Croatia 59,920
 New Hampshire 59,842
67  Syria 59,630
68  Cuba 57,490
 Idaho 55,306
69  Oman 53,780
70  Belarus 52,890
71  Luxembourg 52,430
72  Azerbaijan 52,170
 Maine 51,016
73  Dominican Republic 50,870
74  Sri Lanka 48,240
 Rhode Island 47,450
75  Slovenia 46,440
 Alaska 45,778
76  Bulgaria 44,840
77  Tunisia 43,860
78  Guatemala 40,770
79  Uruguay 40,710
80  Lebanon 39,150
 South Dakota 39,079
81  Serbia 38,920[5]
82  Uzbekistan 37,720
 Wyoming 36,203
83  Lithuania 35,730
84  Burma 35,650
 Montana 35,267
85  Costa Rica 35,020
86  Kenya 32,420
 North Dakota 32,265
87  Ethiopia 30,940
88  Yemen 30,020
89  North Korea 28,000
90  Turkmenistan 27,960
91  Panama 27,200
92  Jordan 27,130
 Vermont 25,677
93  Latvia 23,390
94  Cyprus 22,750
95  Tanzania 22,430
96  Côte d'Ivoire 22,380
 Macau 22,100
97  Cameroon 21,880
98  El Salvador 21,800
99  Bahrain 21,730
100  Trinidad and Tobago 21,200
101  Estonia 19,220
102  Bolivia 19,180
103  Ghana 18,060
104  Paraguay 17,170
105  Uganda 17,120
106  Afghanistan 16,630
107  Bosnia and Herzegovina 16,200
108  Zambia 15,690
109  Honduras 15,340
110  Nepal 15,110
111  Equatorial Guinea 14,550
112  Jamaica 13,740
113  Iceland 12,770
114  Senegal 12,660
115  Democratic Republic of the Congo 12,600
116  Gabon 12,560
117  Botswana 12,500
118  Brunei 11,960
119  Republic of the Congo 11,880
120  Albania 11,580
121  Namibia 11,450
122  Cambodia 11,360
123  Georgia 11,230
124  Mozambique 10,210
125  Macedonia 9,580
126  Mauritius 9,427
127  Mali 9,077
128  Armenia 8,830
129  Burkina Faso 8,672
130  Madagascar 8,330
131  Papua New Guinea 8,809
132  Malta 7,801
133  Chad 7,592
134  The Bahamas 7,538
135  Haiti 6,495
136  Benin 6,494
137  Nicaragua 6,375
138  Laos 6,341
139  Mongolia 5,807
140  Rwanda 5,693
141  Niger 5,603
142  Tajikistan 5,578
143  Zimbabwe 5,574[6]
144  Moldova 5,357[8]
 Jersey 5,100
145  Malawi 5,053
146  Liechtenstein 4,603
147  Kyrgyzstan 4,444
148  Guinea 4,344
149  Barbados 3,963
150  Montenegro 3,884
151  Mauritania 3,486
152  Suriname 3,297
153  Swaziland 3,165
154  Fiji 3,154
155  Togo 3,074
156  Somalia 2,372
157  Eritrea 2,254
158  Sierra Leone 2,254
159  Guyana 2,197
160  Central African Republic 2,113
 Greenland 2,030
161  Lesotho 1,799
162  Cape Verde 1,573
163  Maldives 1,433
164  Burundi 1,431
165  Bhutan 1,397
166  Belize 1,336
167  Djibouti 1,139
168  Antigua and Barbuda 1,099
169  San Marino 1,048
170  The Gambia 1,040
171  Saint Lucia 1,000
172  Liberia 977
173  Seychelles 919
174  Guinea-Bissau 825
175  Vanuatu 721
176  Solomon Islands 674
177  Grenada 645
178  East Timor 616
179  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 583
180  Saint Kitts and Nevis 562
181  Comoros 557
182  Samoa 550
183  Dominica 375
184  Tonga 301
185  Federated States of Micronesia 238.1
186  São Tomé and Príncipe 187
187  Palau 164
188  Marshall Islands 161.7
189  Kiribati 152
190  Tuvalu 14.94

See also


  1. ^ "Gross domestic product (2009)". The World Bank: World Development Indicators database. World Bank. 27 September 2010. Retrieved 2011-01-01. 
  2. ^ Field listing - GDP (official exchange rate), CIA World Factbook
  3. ^ National Bureau of Statistics of China:《National Economy Showed Good Momentum of Development in 2010》:According to preliminary estimation, the gross domestic product (GDP) for the year 2010 was CNY 39,798.3 billion or USD58,791 billion

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  • Comparison between U.S. states and countries by GDP (nominal) per capita — Per capita GDP by state …   Wikipedia

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