

: "Also see: Quintilus in 12-month Roman calendar".

In the 10-month Roman calendar, Quintilis is after Junius, and "Quintilis" is Latin for "fifth" from the phrase "quintilis mensis" (meaning "fifth month"). "Quintilis" (capitalized) was the former Latin name for the fifth (later seventh) month in the Roman calendar that occurred after Junius and before Sextilis. Quintilis/Quintilus was renamed to "Julius" in honor of Julius Caesar, who was born in that month. "Los Cielos de Agosto" (Spanish: "The Skies of August"), Jorge R. Ianiszewski, "Circulo Astronomico", 2006, webpage: [http://www.circuloastronomico.cl/cielo/agosto.html CirA-Agosto] .]

The following are Latin phrases for the 31 days of "Quintilis" (or "quintilis mensis"), numbered as I to XXXI (NP = reform by Numa Pompilius):


:"The Kalends of Quintilis."

This is one of the "dies nefasti", a day on which no legal action or public voting could take place.

*On this day, the future Roman Emperor Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (born 12, died 41, emperor 37-41) "Caligula" was named consul by the Roman Senate in 31.
*Vespasian was declared emperor this day in 69. He was granted "tribunicia potestas" ("tribunician power") and these were renewed annually.


:"ante diem VI Nonas Quintilis" (Sixth day to the Nones of Quintilis).

This is one of the "dies nefasti", a day on which no legal action or public voting could take place.


:"ante diem V Nonas Quintilis" (Fifth day to the Nones of Quintilis).

This is one of the "dies nefasti", a day on which no legal action or public voting could take place.


:"ante diem IV Nonas Quintilis" (Fourth day to the Nones of Quintilis).

This is one of the "dies nefasti", a day on which no legal action or public voting could take place.


:The Poplifugia.

This day (NP), represented some important type of religious observance.


:"pridie Nonas" (Day before the Nones).

This is one of the "dies nefasti", a day on which no legal action or public voting could take place.


:"Nonas Quintilis" (The Nones of Quintilis).

This is one of the "dies nefasti", a day on which no legal action or public voting could take place.

*This day is the "Nonae Caprotinae", or the Fig Festival.
*On this day, the rex sacrorum would appear on the steps of the Capitoline Hill and announce what days of the months were holidays for the upcoming year.


:The "Vitulatio" or Day of Joy. It is a day of celebration honoring Vitula, the goddess of joy and victory.

This is one of the "dies nefasti", a day on which no legal action or public voting could take place.


:The "Vitulatio" or Day of Joy. It is a day of celebration honoring Vitula, the goddess of joy and victory.

This is one of the "dies nefasti", a day on which no legal action or public voting could take place.


"ante diem VI Idus Quintilis" (Sixth day to the Ides of Quintilis).

This is one of the "dies comitiales" (C), when citizen committees could vote on criminal or political matters.


:"ante diem V Idus Quintilis" (Fifth day to the Ides of Quintilis).

This is one of the "dies comitiales" (C), when citizen committees could vote on criminal or political matters.


:"ante diem IV Idus Quintilis" (Fourth day to the Ides of Quintilis).

This is one of the "dies comitiales" (C), when citizen committees could vote on criminal or political matters.


:"ante diem III Idus Quintilis" (Third day to the Ides of Quintilis).

This is one of the "dies comitiales" (C), when citizen committees could vote on criminal or political matters.


:"pridie Idus" (Day before the Ides).

This is one of the "dies comitiales" (C), when citizen committees could vote on criminal or political matters.


:"idus Quintilis" (Ides of Quintilis).

This day (NP) represented some important type of religious observance.


:"ante diem XVII Kalendas Sextilis" (Seventeenth day to the Kalends of Sextilis).

This is one of the "dies comitiales" (C), when citizen committees could vote on criminal or political matters.


:"ante diem XVI Kalendas Sextilis" (Sixteenth day to the Kalends of Sextilis).

This is one of the "dies nefasti", a day on which no legal action or public voting could take place.


:"Dies Alliensis".

This is one of the "dies comitiales" (C), when citizen committees could vote on criminal or political matters.


:The Lucaria.

This is one of the "dies comitiales" (C), when citizen committees could vote on criminal or political matters.


:"ante diem XIII Kalendas Sextilis" (Thirteenth day to the Kalends of Sextilis).

This is one of the "dies comitiales" (C), when citizen committees could vote on criminal or political matters.


:The Lucaria.

This day (NP), represented some important type of religious observance.


:"ante diem XI Kalendas Sextilis" (Eleventh day to the Kalends of Sextilis).This day (NP), represented some important type of religious observance.


:The Neptunalia.

This is one of the "dies comitiales" (C), when citizen committees could vote on criminal or political matters.


:The Neptunalia.

This is one of the "dies nefasti", a day on which no legal action or public voting could take place.


:The Furrinalia.

This is one of the "dies nefasti", a day on which no legal action or public voting could take place.


:"ante diem VII Kalendas Sextilis" (Seventh day to the Kalends of Sextilis).

This day (NP), represented some important type of religious observance.


:"ante diem VI Kalendas Sextilis" (Sixth day to the Kalends of Sextilis).

This day (NP), represented some important type of religious observance.


:"ante diem V Kalendas Sextilis" (Fifth day to the Kalends of Sextilis).

This is one of the "dies comitiales" (C), when citizen committees could vote on criminal or political matters.


:"ante diem IV Kalendas Sextilis" (Fourth day to the Kalends of Sextilis).

This is one of the "dies comitiales" (C), when citizen committees could vote on criminal or political matters.


:"ante diem III Kalendas Sextilis" (Third day to the Kalends of Sextilis).

This is one of the "dies comitiales" (C), when citizen committees could vote on criminal or political matters.


:"pridie Kalendas Sextilis" (Day before the Kalends of Sextilis).

This is one of the "dies comitiales" (C), when citizen committees could vote on criminal or political matters.

ee also

* Month names: Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, Sextilis, Septembris, Octobris, Novembris, Decembris.
* Leap month: Mercedonius or Intercalis.


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