1 E8 s

1 E8 s

To help compare orders of magnitude of different times this page lists times between 3.2 years and 32 years (108 seconds and 109 seconds). "See also" times of other orders of magnitude.

* Shorter times
* 3.3 years -- half life of rhodium-101
* 4 years -- full term of the President of the United States; (roughly) an Olympiad.
* 4.37 years -- the length of time for light from Alpha Centauri to reach Earth
* 4.6 years -- orbital period of Ceres
* 5.2714 years -- half life of cobalt-60
* 6 years -- full term of a Senator in the United States
* 7 years -- the interval between leap seconds on December 31, 1998 and December 31, 2005, the longest one as of 2006
* 10 years -- one decade = 3.16 × 108 seconds
* 11 years -- sunspot activity cycle (7.5 to 11 years)
* 11.87 years -- one orbit of Jupiter
* 13 years -- typical time to complete K-12 education in the United States.
* 13.08 years -- half life of californium-250
* 15 years -- age at which one is first eligible to receive a driver's license in New Zealand.
* 16 years -- usual age at which one is first eligible to receive a driver's license in most States of the United States.
* 16.13 years -- half life of niobium meta state Nb-93m
* 18.03 years -- Saros cycle, the period of solar eclipses and lunar eclipses
* 19.0002 years -- 235 months (1 Metonic cycle)
* 29 years -- recorded maximum lifespan of a dog
* 29.1 years -- half life of curium-243
* 29.458 years -- one orbit of Saturn
* Longer times

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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