

A sukkah is a temporary dwelling that Jews use during the holiday of Sukkot.


According to Halakha, a "sukkah" is a structure consisting of a roof made of organic material which has been disconnected from the ground (the "s'chach"). A "sukkah" must have at least 2-1/2 walls. It should be at least three feet tall, and be positioned so that all or part of its roof is open to the sky (only the part which is under the sky is kosher.) A "sukkah" can be built on the ground or on an open porch or balcony. Indeed, many observant Jews who design their home's porch or deck will do so in a fashion that aligns with their sukkah building needs. Portable "sukkahs" have recently become available for those who have little space, or for those who are travelling (in order to have a place to eat one's meals).

In practice, the walls of a "sukkah" can be constructed from anything ranging from wood to canvas to aluminium. The walls may also be part of a house or fence. The specific details of what constitutes a wall, how short/tall a wall can be, whether there can be spaces between the walls and the roof, and the exact material required for the "s'chach" (roofing) can be found in various exegetical texts.


"S'chach" is the Hebrew name for the material used as a roof for a sukkah. "S'chach" must be something that grew from the ground but is currently disconnected from it. Palm leaves, bamboo sticks, pine branches and wood, as well as many other types of organic material, could all be used for "s'chach", unless they were processed for a different use.

The "s'chach" must be placed such that there is more shade than sun. However, there must be sufficient gaps between the pieces of "s'chach" so that rain can come through.


Many people hang decorations such as dried or plastic fruit, streamers, shiny ornaments, and pictures from the interior walls and ceiling beams of a "sukkah". Families may also line the interior walls with white sheeting, in order to recall the "Clouds of Glory" that surrounded the Jewish nation during their wanderings in the desert. The Chabad custom is not to decorate the sukkah, as the sukkah itself is considered to be an object of beauty. [ [ How To Build Your Sukkah] ]

What is done in the sukkah?

The basic requirements of "halakha" are that eating of meals and sleeping should be conducted in the "sukkah". However, one is not expected to remain in the "sukkah" if he would be very uncomfortable there. For this reason, Jews living at northern latitudes will generally not sleep in the "sukkah" due to the cold temperatures of autumn nights. Some Jews in these locales will spend some time in the "sukkah" eating and relaxing but go indoors to sleep.

In Israel and other temperate climates (such as Florida, Australia, and Southern California), observant Jews will often conduct all their eating, studying, and sleeping activities in the "sukkah". Many Jews will not eat anything except water or fruit outside the "sukkah". In Israel, it is common practice for hotels, restaurants, snack shops, and outdoor tourist attractions (such as zoos) to provide an "sukkah" for their guests to eat in. Lubavitcher and Belzer [Nitei Gavriel, Hilchos Rosh Hashanah Ch. 29 note 9 (5754 Edition)] Hasidim differ from other Orthodox Jews in that they don't sleep in the "sukkah" due to its intrinsic holiness. [ [ The Sukkah and Sleeplessness] ]

Though one need not eat or sleep in the "sukkah" if it is raining, Lubavitcher Hasidim will still eat there.

Traditional blessings upon entering a Sukkah

According to Jewish law it is customary to recite the following blessing when entering the Sukkah. The blessing is normally recited after having made a blessing on food, such as on bread or cake and then the following is recited:

Transliteration: "Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha‑olam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu leishev ba‑sukah."

Translation: "Blessed are You, LORD, our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to dwell in the sukkah."


Although the festival of Sukkot is a joyous occasion, and is referred to in Hebrew as "Yom Simchateinu" (the day of our rejoicing) or "Z'man Simchateinu", (the season of our rejoicing), the "sukkah" itself symbolises the frailty and transience of life. It also reminds its dwellers that true security comes from faith in God, rather than from money or possessions. [ [ Shelter of Faith] ]


During the holiday, Jews invite seven spiritual "guests" (known as "ushpizin" in Aramaic) to be with them in the sukkah. These "ushpizin" are the "Seven Shepherds of Israel":

*Moses (the most influential of the Hebrew prophets)
*Aaron (Moses's brother, the first Kohen Gadol, or High Priest)
*Joseph (the three Patriarchs and Jacob's most famous son)
*David (a very significant king of Israel, the messiah is said to be a descendant of David)

According to tradition, each night a different one of the "ushpizin" enters the sukkah first and the other six follow. Some people say a special prayer welcoming them to the sukkah in the order in which they come. Each of the ushpizin has a unique lesson to teach us that parallels the spiritual focus of the day on which they visit.

According to Chabad tradition, another set of ushpizin come along with those listed above. There is a unique connection between the two ushpizin that visit each night, particularly as explained in the works of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. [Cf. "Mayonei HaYeshua".]

* Avraham Avinu - Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov
* Yitzchak Avinu - Rabbi DovBer, Maggid of Mezeritch
* Yaakov Avinu - Alter Rebbe (Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi)
* Moshe Rabbeinu - Mitteler Rebbe (Rabbi DovBer)
* Aharon HaKohen - Tzemach Tzedek (Rabbi Menachem Mendel)
* Yosef Hatzadik - Rebbe Maharash (Rabbi Shmuel Schneersohn)
* Dovid HaMelech - Rebbe Rashab (Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn)

In recent times, some Jews add seven spiritual women, or "ushpizot", to enter their sukkah. These are the biblical Sarah, Miriam, Deborah, Hannah, Huldah, Abigail, and Esther. [ [ about ushpizot] ]

The custom of inviting guests to the sukkah extends to living guests as well. Many people invite family, friends, neighbours, or people who are alone to join them for a snack or a meal. Anyone, including non-Jews, are more than welcome inside a sukkah.

External links

* [ A Simple Sukkah How-to Guide] from
* [ A Kabbalistic Liturgy for InvIting the Ushpizin and Ushpizata] from - in Aramaic and English!


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