


Most early medieval Scandinavians were probably literate in runes, and most people probably carved messages on pieces of bone and wood. [ "Vilka kunde rista runor?" at the site of the Swedish National Heritage Board] , retrieved January 13 2007.] However, it was difficult to make runestones, and in order to master it you also needed to be a stonemason. During the 11th century, when most runestones were raised, there were a few professional runemasters. They and their apprentices were contracted to make runestones and when the work was finished, they usually signed the stone with the name of the runemaster thus making runestone one of the oldest examples of signed art.

More than 100 runemasters are known from Viking Age Sweden and most of them from 11th century eastern Svealand.The article "Runristare" in "Nationalencyklopedin" (1995).] Many anonymous runestones have more or less securely been attributed to these runemasters.

Notable runemasters

*Åsmund Kåresson
*Ulf of Borresta

Notes and references

External links

* [ Kalle Dahlberg, a modern runemaster.]

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