

color = lightgrey
name = "Actinomyces"

image_width = 240px
image_caption = Scanning electron micrograph of "Actinomyces israelii".
domain = Bacteria
phylum = Actinobacteria
ordo = Actinomycetales
familia = Actinomycetaceae
genus = "Actinomyces"
genus_authority = Harz 1877
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "A. bovis"
"A. bowdenii"
"A. canis"
"A. cardiffensis"
"A. catuli"
"A. coleocanis"
"A. dentalis"
"A. denticolens"
"A. europaeus"
"A. funkei"
"A. georgiae"
"A. gerencseriae"
"A. graevenitzii"
"A. hongkongensis"
"A. hordeovulneris"
"A. howellii"
"A. humiferus"
"A. hyovaginalis"
"A. israelii"
"A. marimammalium"
"A. meyeri"
"A. naeslundii"
"A. nasicola"
"A. neuii"
"A. odontolyticus"
"A. oricola"
"A. radicidentis"
"A. radingae"
"A. slackii"
"A. streptomycini"
"A. suimastitidis"
"A. suis"
"A. turicensis"
"A. urogenitalis"
"A. vaccimaxillae"
"A. viscosus"

"Actinomyces" is a genus of the actinobacteria class of bacteria. They are all Gram-positive and can be either anaerobic or facultatively anaerobic . "Actinomyces" species do not form endospores, and, while individual bacteria are rod-shaped, morphologically "Actinomyces" colonies form fungus-like branched networks of hyphae.cite book | author = Holt JG (editor) | title = Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology | edition = 9th ed. | publisher = Williams & Wilkins | year = 1994 | id = ISBN 0-683-00603-7 ]

Actinomyces are known for causing disease in humans, and for the important role they play in soil ecology. They produce a number of enzymes that help degrade organic plant material, lignin and chitin. As such, their presence is important in the formation of compost.

Many "Actinomyces" species are opportunistic pathogens of humans and other mammals, particularly in the oral cavity.cite book | author = Madigan M; Martinko J (editors). | title = Brock Biology of Microorganisms | edition = 11th ed. | publisher = Prentice Hall | year = 2005 | id = ISBN 0-13-144329-1 ] In rare cases, these bacteria can cause actinomycosis, a disease characterized by the formation of abscesses in the mouth, lungs, or the gastrointestinal tract.cite book | author = Bowden GHW | title = Actinomycosis "in:" Baron's Medical Microbiology "(Baron S "et al", eds.)| edition = 4th ed. | publisher = Univ of Texas Medical Branch | year = 1996 | id = [ (via NCBI Bookshelf)] ISBN 0-9631172-1-1 ]

Some species are responsible for the smell of topsoil, which is often particularly noticeable after rain. [ [ The Sweet Smell of Rain] ] The main chemical responsible from this smell is geosmin.cite web |url= |title=The Role of Actinomycetes in Coffee Plantation Ecology |accessdate=2008-01-16 |author= |authorlink= |coauthors= |date= |format= |work= |publisher= |pages= |language= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |quote=]

Actinomyces, a thermophilic bacteria, is usually the causative agent of farmer's lung, and bagassosis.


Actinomycosis is most frequently caused by "Actinomyces israelii" and is sometimes known as the "most misdiagnosed disease," as it is frequently confused with neoplasms. "A. israelii" is a normal colonizer of the vagina, colon, and mouth. Infection is established first by a breach of the mucosal barrier during various procedures (dental, GI), aspiration, or pathologies such as diverticulitis. The chronic phase of this disease is also known the "classic phase" because the acute, early phase is often missed by health care providers. This is characterized by slow contiguous growth that ignores tissue planes and forms a sinus tract that can spontaneously heal and recur, leading to a densely fibrotic lesion. This lesion is often characterized as "wooden." Sulfur granules form in a central purulence surrounded by neutrophils. This conglomeration of organisms is virtually diagnostic of "Actinomyces israelii." Oral-cervicofacial disease is the most common form of actinomycosis. It is characterized by a painless "lumpy jaw." Lymphadenopathy is uncommon in this form of the disease. Another form of actinomycosis is thoracic disease, which is often misdiagnosed as a neoplasm, as it forms a mass that extends to the chest wall. It arises from aspiration of organisms from the oropharynx. Symptoms include chest pain, fever, and weight loss. Abdominal disease is another manifestation of actinomycosis. This can lead to a sinus tract that drains to the abdominal wall or the perianal area. Symptoms include fever, abdominal pain, and weight loss. El Sahli, MD, MS. "Anaerobic Pathogens." "Infectious Disease Module 2007." Baylor College of Medicine, 2007.] Actinomyces sp. have also been shown to infect the central nervous system in a dog "without history or evidence of previous trauma or other organ involvement." []


Treatment for actinomycosis consists of antibiotics such as penicillin or amoxicillin for six to twelve months, as well as surgery if the disease is extensive. El Sahli, MD, MS. "Anaerobic Pathogens." "Infectious Disease Module 2007." Baylor College of Medicine, 2007.]


Consider actinomycosis when the patient has chronic progression of disease across tissue planes that is mass-like at times, sinus tract development that may heal and recur, and refractory infection after a typical course of antibiotics.El Sahli, MD, MS. "Anaerobic Pathogens." "Infectious Disease Module 2007." Baylor College of Medicine, 2007.]


External links

* [ "Actinomyces" naeslundii MG1 Genome Page]

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