

The Batembuzi were a medieval civilisation in the Lake Victoria-Nyanza region in Eastern Africa. They are credited by mythology and oral tradition to be the originators of the Empire of Kitara. [ The Batembuzi Dynasty (at Bunyoro-Kitara kingdom website)] ]


The Batembuzi are known in oral traditions from Bunyoro, Toro, Ankole, Rwanda and Karagwe. They are considered as demi-gods – superhumans with divine creative power who did not die but merely disappeared into the underworld. The founder of the Batembuzi dynasty is said to have been Ruhanga, also considered the to be the creator.

According to a Uganda Travel Guide, the traditional lineage of Batembuzi kings is; [Uganda Travel Guide: [ The Bachwezi] ]

* "Ruhanga", the creator
* "Nkya", brother of Ruhanga
* "Kakama", son of Nkya
* "Bada", son of Kakama
* "Ngonzaki", son of Bada
* "Isaza", son of Ngonzaki

Isaza is considered the last of the Batembuzi dynasty, however the Bachwezi dynasty are said to descend from Isaza. Before he descended into the underworld he is said to have impregnated Nyamate, the daughter of Nyamiyonga, king of the underworld. As a result Nyamate gave birth to Isimbwa, who became the father of Ndahura, the first Mukhwezi of the Bachwezi.


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